More Benefits of Watching Movies with Conscious Awareness (part 2)

Watching movies with conscious awareness can help you gain a new perspective on your emotional reactions, remove blockages, develop psychological strength, and reconnect with your inner wisdom.

More Benefits of Watching Movies with Conscious Awareness (part 2)
Photo by Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa / Unsplash

Have you ever watched a movie and felt overwhelmed by your emotions? Perhaps you found yourself yelling at the screen or crying uncontrollably. While this is a natural response to certain films, it can also be a sign that you are identifying too strongly with the content on the screen.

Watching movies with conscious awareness can help you gain a new perspective on your emotional reactions and learn to tolerate undesired emotions in a safe environment. By being fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, you can begin to understand the mind's games and projections and learn to let go of them.

This process can help to remove blockages that are preventing mental and emotional clarity, allowing your life to open up to more peacefulness, light, inner freedom, and creativity. It can also help you develop the strength to tolerate unwanted feelings without suppressing them or acting out in destructive ways.

I call this psychological strengthening process creating a "larger inner container" for your undesired emotions so that you can hold them consciously. The more you learn to tolerate unwanted feelings while watching a movie, the less you feel compelled to suppress them or act out against yourself or others in your real life. Instead, you become strong enough to not resist them.

Watching movies with conscious awareness can also help you regain access to certain values, virtues, or capacities in your everyday life with which you had lost touch. This process can provide an opportunity for you to become aware of your inner wisdom or higher self and reconnect with the most mature and healthy parts of yourself.

Overall, watching movies with conscious awareness can lead to a life lived fully and spontaneously because you are no longer preoccupied with defending and managing things in a reactive way. It can bring joy, ease, and contentment into your life and help you be increasingly accepting and compassionate with yourself and others.