How to model a person you really want to become?

Have you ever looked at someone successful in your field and thought, "I wish I could be like them"? Maybe it's a business leader, an artist, or a scholar. Whatever the case, it's natural to want to model the behaviors and qualities of those we admire in order to achieve our own success.

How to model a person you really want to become?
Photo by Debby Hudson / Unsplash

Have you ever looked at someone successful in your field and thought, "I wish I could be like them"? Maybe it's a business leader, an artist, or a scholar. Whatever the case, it's natural to want to model the behaviors and qualities of those we admire in order to achieve our own success. With the help of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), you can learn to do just that.

NLP offers a range of techniques that can help you model the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of successful individuals. By modelling the internal representations of someone who has achieved what you want to achieve, you can gain insights into how they think, feel, and act. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Identify the Person You Want to Model

The first step is to identify the person you want to model. This could be someone you know personally or a public figure you admire. It's important to choose someone who has achieved success in the area you want to succeed in, whether it's a particular skill, a mindset, or a level of achievement.

Step 2: Gather Information About the Person

Once you have identified the person you want to model, start gathering information about them. This could include reading their biographies, watching their interviews, or even talking to them directly if possible. Pay attention to their language patterns, beliefs, values, and strategies for success.

Step 3: Analyze the information and Extract Key Strategies

After gathering information about the person, it's time to analyze the information and extract key strategies that have helped them achieve success. NLP techniques such as reframing, anchoring, and modeling can be used to identify and replicate these strategies in your own life.

Step 4: Apply the Strategies in Your Own Life

The final step is to apply the strategies you have identified in your own life. This may involve practicing new behaviors, changing your mindset, or adopting new beliefs. Remember that modelling is not about coping someone else exactly, but rather using their strategies as a blueprint for your own success.

As an example, one of my academic idol is Prof. Liu. I might start by gathering information about her background, career path, and key achievements. I could then analyze this information to identify the strategies she used to achieve success, such as her approach to research, her leadership style, and her networking skills. Finally, you could apply these strategies in your own life by developing your own research skills, improving your leadership abilities, and building your professional network.

In conclusion, modeling the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of successful individuals is a powerful way to achieve your own goals. By using NLP techniques to extract key strategies from those you admire, you can learn to think, feel, and act like them, ultimately increasing your chances of success in your chosen field.