生活记录 横滨一日游:从新宿到港未来的精彩旅程 横滨一日游从新宿站出发,尽享港未来区的现代魅力、红砖仓库的历史风情和山下公园的自然美景。品味中华街的美食,登上超大摩天轮俯瞰壮丽夜景。横滨的多样魅力,将为你带来一段难忘的旅程。
艺术企业家 揭秘自信之旅:艺术家艾莉追寻真我色彩的故事 在一个宁静的小镇上,住着一位名叫艾莉的年轻画家。艾莉有着一颗渴望表达的心,但她常常感到不自信,担心自己的作品不被人理解或欣赏。一天,她偶然观看了西蒙·斯涅克的TED演讲,那句“由内而外”的思考方式深深触动了她,她开始思考自己的“为什么”。
艺术治疗 How do we watch movies consciously? In this blog post, we will discuss how to watch movies consciously and increase our awareness of our physical reactions and emotions.
艺术治疗 More Benefits of Watching Movies with Conscious Awareness (part 2) Watching movies with conscious awareness can help you gain a new perspective on your emotional reactions, remove blockages, develop psychological strength, and reconnect with your inner wisdom.
艺术治疗 Why Watching Movies with Conscious Awareness is Beneficial (part 1) Watching movies with conscious awareness can enhance our ability to be present and increase our understanding of ourselves. The emotional distance we have from movie characters and situations makes it easier to practice conscious awareness compared to real-life situations.
艺术治疗 The Art of Watching Films with Conscious Awareness It entails approaching movies with a mindset of non-judgmental attention, genuine curiosity, and embracing acceptance towards whatever unfolds in the present moment.